workout supersets

2 years ago


This one of the most popular questions in our mail bag; what is a superset?

A superset is a pairing of two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest. So in the example I am going to outline, I'll do a dumbbell split squat followed immediately by a dumbbell bench press.

For the DB split squat, do all the repetitions for one leg and then switch over to the other leg. Once you have completed all the repetitions for the split squat, with little or no rest go immediately into the DB chest press.

Once you have completed the repetitions for the chest press, then you are done the superset.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you will rest one minute after the superset and then repeat up to 3 times, whereby you will then move on to the next superset in the workout.

Moreover, in the TT workouts, the supersets you will find are either a pairing of upper body exercises with lower body exercises or a pairing of pushing exercises with pulling exercises. This allows you to get more work done in less time, boosting your metabolism, and getting more exercise for more muscle groups, while giving you a faster workout than most traditional bodybuilding workouts.

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