Endless Engine ..Week 3...edited live stream

2 years ago

I edited the live stream and put it on the main page. This was a week of frustration. I had to figure out how to get my model to look decent..I tried starting from a polyshape to no avail. Eventually I bought my mesh into zbrush which seems to have helped a lot. I stil have to redo the hood a doors but it is nowhere near as lumpy. I used what I learned watching Toby Pitman's course and have tried to fix topology accordingly. (For some reason I thought it was John Dickinson?...Odd thing is the GG Gorilla class says Toby Pitman but on Gumroad it's John Dickinson?!) Either way.....it's an amazing class. (BTW it's only $49 us on Gumroad https://johndickinson.gumroad.com/l/eLGkh ) Since the Sunday stream I am starting to look at making the hub caps...the doors and windows should be similar to the front window.

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