Q&A: Mayonnaise on the carnivore diet?

2 years ago

Mayonnaise as sold in stores is bad for you. It's full of seed oils like sunflower and other oils like canola and safflower. Steer clear of all of that. But if extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil are in the mix, have at it.

#MayonnaiseForCarnivoreDiet #HealthyFatsFromMayo #FullFatMayonnaiseBenefits #CarnivoreDietWithMayo #GutHealingMayo #AddingFlavorWithLowCarbMayo #EatingMayonnaiseOnCarnivoreDiet #HealthySaturatedFatsWithMayonnaise #FatBurningCarnivoreAndMayonnaise #PowerOfTheCarnivoreDietPlusMayo

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