The Nature Of Reality w/ Dawn Lester & David Parker

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Return guests and valued members of the Alfa Vedic community Dawn Lester & David Parker are back for this episode, and we couldn't be more thrilled.  Their recent masterpiece, What Really Makes You Ill was a paradigm-shifter, and in perfect timing to mitigate the medical fear mythology of recent years.

Dawn & David's other co-authorship, The Nature of Reality, takes you beyond the Illness-Contagion narrative to dissect the most colossal illusion of all.  Amidst the endless speculation of the philosophers, empiricists and metaphysicians throughout the ages they've concluded that "It's stranger than you can imagine!"

Life doesn’t need to be hard, and it doesn’t need to be complicated either, but to experience life in this way requires an understanding of how our everyday reality works.

The Nature of Reality shows that our personal experiences are also under our own control, and that that ‘consciousness’ is a vital element in understanding the true nature of reality that will completely change your view of who you think you are and what life really is.

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