Jesus is not tolerate!!!

2 years ago

Jesus hates the fake phony lukewarm self righteous church going crowd and pastors that acts like they know Him but do not, they play games so much but not with God, He is not the baby in the manager anymore He is sitting on the right hand of His Father and He will grab his bride in the blink of an eye, and will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, the wicked He will destroy them all and make them suffer His hot anger and wrath and He will judge everyone who rejected Him at the great white throne judgement, all those who rejected Jesus will be there from Cain to after the tribulation period, they will see their entire life and all their sins told to them by God, there is nothing they can do or say to get out of it, they rejected Jesus so many times and God slammed the door for salvation on these wretched lost sinners, there is no hope for them anymore, when someone refuses to follow Jesus and says it is my life I will live however I want and there is no hell and party so much then gets killed in a car wreck that unsaved person goes to hell and is a holding place for those who have rejected Jesus, God doesn't send people to hell they do it themselves, you rejected Jesus and die you are lost and outside God presence forever and those in hell will all be called up at the great white throne and they will all be judged and thrown into the lake of fire, it will happen if you like it or not, Jesus already died and paid the pentaly on the cross, those who repent and follow Him are forgiven and sealed with the Holy Spirit and their names written in the Lamb book of life, Jesus is not tolerate at all and has never been, He is the alpha and Omega!! And He will return after the tribulation period ends with all His angels and those who were raptured and every eye will see Him and cry, He will destroy all the wicked and those who got the vaccines will all be killed and birds of prey will eat on them all, Jesus will not be nice when He comes back after the tribulation ends, He is coming to rule for thousands years with a iron hand, decide between Jesus or Satan or just be stupid and end up at the great white throne judgement, that is your choice now

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