Today finally came

1 year ago

Best thing I ever did was build a small 200 sq. foot casita/cabin ( I basically copied the idea of tough sheds and added twice the amount of joist for the snow load up here
If I listened to everyone I would never had started much less finish it. The freedom I get for now there, offsets the lack of freedom I feel now in the US . In my years, I have never felt the pressing down on society from our elected leaders to this extreme.
Now I have a place to unwind and listen to the sounds of life not dictated by all the things out of my control. It's not fancy, but my heart rate drops several beats per minute the second I step on this land and a sense of calm coats every raw nerve with a little blankets that I swear have the middle finger embroidered on each on telling the rest of the World to just F-Off (for a while)

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