UK COLUMN NEWS - Wednesday 1st March 2023.

1 year ago

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News.

00:34 The Windsor Framework: Britain Pretends to Regain Northern Ireland Sovereignty
12:10 Coronation Oath: Will we be duped for another reign?
18:52 Ukraine: Vital battles censored into oblivion by BBC
32:40 Expanding to the Russian frontier and the future: Europeans seeking their own annihilation, but at least the propaganda's working
46:14  It's time to clear the air: The latest culprit for the cardiac crisis—but indoor or outdoor air?
1:03:10 Parliamentary Petitions: Your only legislative remedy against wretched treaties
1:08:14 Over-the-counter medicine bans? Anything good for you seems to be disappearing
1:16:45 Australian state: We'll swear in foreign police from anywhere (having dismissed unjabbed locals)
1:21:39 Britain: The cruellest country in the Western world to its children?


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