Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 253 pt 1, New History of the Jews by Eustace Mullins

1 year ago

Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 253 pt 1, New History of the Jews by Eustace Mullins
This is a review of Eustice Mullins book The New History of the Jews, by author of Freemasonry and Satanism Rick Miracle a self proclaimed Truth Seeker
Please Note: This is not Antisemitic. It is an honest evaluation of Historical Facts...
I do not condone Hate, Racism or Promote Violence Against Anyone.
Many very interesting subjects and concepts covered.
Though the Zionists may not be the Top of the New World Order Pyramid of Power, ultimately they are involved in Everything NWO and the War Against Humanity.
Until the Jews who themselves are victims of these Evil NWO Zionists CALL THEM OUT AND DENOUNCE THEIR OWN LEADERSHIP, they are part of this War Against Humanity.
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