Lawless Las Vegas

2 years ago

The lawlessness in Las Vegas, NV has reached a point where some business owners spend more time and money defending their properties and equipment against criminals than the services they provide.
We have 36 surveillance cameras on the building along with an alarm system, lighting, sirens, and motion detection and even with all of that, people still break into the yard to steal anything they can find because they know there are no legal repercussions for their actions.
The cost of vandalism and theft this company spends is about $60,000 per year. The laws do not allow us to personally defend the property. If I would go out and physically restrain or harm any person who is vandalizing or stealing from this property, I would then be considered the criminal and could be subject to prosecution. The police have told me verbatim, "We protect people, not property."
The purpose of these videos is to show viewers what we go through in the course of a day just to operate business and how little help we get from the police and the city and county in doing so.

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