The Neo Zionist New World Order. Eustace Mullins

1 year ago

The Neo Zionist New World Order. Eustace Mullins
The Neo-Zionist order AKA The Illuminati: (Note: The group being referred to here are not the Jewish People, but a group using Zionism as a shield. The facade is to make you blame the Jews, while these people switch masks again should Zionism become exposed.
The Jewish Ruling Elite and the Rabbi's have tricked their Jewish followers into believing the world is out to get them - TO JUSTIFY ZIONISM
They have all been brainwashed.
That is why they support Zionist World Domination.
This is the classic interview with Mr Mullins, the silent hero for the silent war
(if you don't understand then watch ).
If you don't know who Eustace is (including Ezra Pound), watch and learn. Eustace was a speed reader and the first person to uncover the Federal Reserve System Scam (G Edward Griffin copied/plagiarised Eustace's hard ground breaking work & G Edward Griffin is a member of the scumbag jewish group SPLC).
Eustace spent many months in the Library of Congress (even sleeping in the basement for many weeks/months) so that he could research and find out what these jewish banksters had done.
Eustace covers many topics in this interview, including WW2, Zionism, etc
Show notes:
Protocols ruled as a forgery in Switzerland = they are real, etc.
Stalin was not in charge of WW2 for 3 years 1942 to 1947 - it was an American jew Herman who controlled Russia for those years.
(MCP covers Stalin - Stalin (was Not A Jew) Show 1 of 13 and as confirmed in my next video (covering much more than just Stalin)
Israel plans to exterminate all Muslims
Henry ford - how jews tried to take control of his company
68 Eustace is not a Holocaust denier - you can't be a denier of something that never happened !!!!! (this is what i have been saying for years). Holocaust 'denier' is just a well thought of jewish use of the world to support their lies.
80 'Hebrew' = Habru = Bandit
83 CIA formed in 1914 in London by British General Staff = Bank of England
911, jews & more
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