2 years ago

RYEP is taking off month 6= 4/9-4/30- catch up on past sessions AND
please sign up for the CHARTING ARCHETYPE WHEEL OF ORIGIN - it will be a month long thing but you can START NOW! text 2033646262, or email to ask for the list of archetypes to see if you want to do it, & after you pay the $250 which is for the whole month of April, I will send your list of 12 back to you so you can start getting acquainted. If you have any questions, please text the number 203DOGMAMA (above), THIS WORKSHOP/ month, is open to everyone, & everyone who has already done it, gets the classes for free as refreshers/ new info- it's VAST, very helpful to understanding The Divine Creation of The Divine Creative Intelligence, in order to make better, Higher vibrational choices with your own free will, as well as understanding the choices of 'others' using THEIR own free will, which helps you more deeply & completely love & accept your Self/ 'others'- which KEEPS your vibration as high as possible.

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