Kettlebell Workout Bodyweight Exercises Circuit

2 years ago

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The beauty of this workout is that you can do it in only a small amount of space because you will be using just your bodyweight and kettlebells. If you don't have a KB, then you can easily substitute it for a dumbbell.

Secondly, this workout is also known as the 10 x 20, in that there are 10 exercises at 20 repetitions each. So, as you make your way through this circuit you will not take any breaks until you've completed all the exercises. Once there, take a minute or two to take a rest, and then repeat up to two more times.

The first exercise is a Kettlebell Squat. For this exercise, hold the KB at chest height in front of you, push your hips back, squat down, and then drive up. Repeat for 20 reps.

The next exercise is known as the Extended Push up. It will be a regular push up with a slight twist in that your hands will be in front of your head. This makes the push up exercise a bit more difficult, especially on your abdominals when you are at the bottom of the exercise. Each workout, try to extend a little bit more.

After all the reps are completed for the push ups, you'll follow with 20 repetitions of Kettlebell Swings. Now, this exercise is not a squat, but instead more of an RDL type of movement. Take the KB back between your legs, push your hips back and really thrust them to drive the KB upward to shoulder height. In this exercise, you're arms will not be doing any of the work; they are simply along for the ride. Be sure to keep your back flat.

Immediately from there, go into 20 repetitions per side of Walking Lunges. If you don't have a lot of space, then you can just do the lunges in place, alternating sides.

Now it's time to get into single arm exercise with the kettlebell. First up is the High Pull exercise for 10 reps per side. So, swing the KB down between your legs and then up to shoulder height.

Following that exercise you'll go to the ground for a series of Mountain Climbers. Position yourself as if you were going to do a push up, next, bring your knee up to your chest and then back out. Make sure to keep your hips down and abs braced. Alternate sides.

Once you've finished with that exercise you'll do the 1-Arm Kettlebell Swing. This exercise is very similar to the High Pull, but you will keep your arm straight throughout. Do 20 repetitions per side.

Next up, you'll do 20 Close Grip Push ups. If you want to make this exercise a little bit harder, then put your feet up for decline Close Grip Push ups or conversely, kneeling if you want to make it easier. So, position your hands shoulder-width apart, and as you go down, tuck your elbows into your sides.

After the push ups, you'll do a Kettlebell 1-Arm Row. So, with a staggered and strong stance, start with the KB straight down below you and palm facing your feet. Next, as you bring the KB up to your abdomen, rotate it toward your body.

To finish off the workout, you will do 20 Stability Ball Leg Curls. So, on the floor with your feet up on the ball, bridge your hips up and curl the ball in and out. Be sure to keep your hips up and in a straight line during this exercise.

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