According2Sam #153 'Directed Evolution'

2 years ago

The Department of Energy's intelligence agency has determined that Covid-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They are the second of the 17 intelligence agencies in the Intelligence Community (IC) that has made this determination, along with the FBI who first came to this conclusion. The Department of Energy (DOE) says that new information has led them to change their assessment. However, they did not disclose what this new information is. Regardless, we have come a long way from 2020 when it was considered looney, rightwing, conspiracy theory to even suggest that Covid-19 was created in a lab. Now we have two agencies in the IC that say that is exactly what happened. This new assessment by the DOE has made many ask what are the implications for American and China relations if more agencies reach this conclusion and it becomes a certainty. Will it exacerbate an already tense relationship between the two nations and possibly provoke a military confrontation? How will it also implement Americans who funded this research in China? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #153.

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