Soul Speak with Talya Pardo, Season 2 Episode 2: David Miller, Relationship Realities

2 years ago

In this episode, I dive deep with David Miller, a relationship coach. He helps couples and individuals to understand the qualities and nature of their masculine and feminine sides.

We explored questions like:
How does a masculine man see the world?
What are men currently experiencing in this modern day society? Is there a masculine crisis and what is it traced back to?
What does a man need from his woman to feel safe, loved & appreciated?
When does a woman step out of her feminine and into her masculine, and what impact does that have on the relationship?
What does a woman need to know to better understand her man?

David helps us untangle common misunderstandings & detrimental attitudes within relationships & shines a light for women on how to better understand men and what they need.

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