Time for revival is NOW

2 years ago

I have turned out several videos that have not been Christian based. Patriotic yes but not the content Father God would’ve had me convey to you. During meditation I found myself praying for my sons. Though not “woke” I don’t think they really get wha is happening.

I was given peace and found myself searching for content that would please him and you. Our world is upside down. Evil has crept in while we were sleeping and took over the hearts and minds of men and women. The Alabama Baptist journalist, Rob Jackson did a fantastic capture of the power of the blood over the Asbury Revival. Thank you sir for the message made it through to a sinner like me.

The music in this video is Ben Fuller and the song is called Mercy. He can be found on Facebook. Ben that’s a mighty sword your welding brother and I’m thankful that you populated my feed with that beautiful song.

The end of the video is a sinners prayer that even I recited as I was editing. Share this if there’s someone in your life that needs to see or hear it. One more soul God please….just one more.


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