"Every Scar Is A Lesson" 😥 This song is so empowering!

1 year ago

Music composed by Patrick Rundblad for Fearless Soul

Image Created by Jatin.psd for Fearless Soul

"Living life to find a balance
and I will rise up to the challenge
when I need to

‘cause everything I need, is right inside me
and what is behind me, doesn’t define me

and as my consciousness awakes,
I’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m living my truth
It’s what I choose

feel the fear and do it anyway
you can move the mountains,
don’t even hesitate

do the things that make you most afraid
every scar is a lesson,
I’m learning to be brave

you’re not wrong for living loud
you’re standing strong,
you don’t back down
when they need you "

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#Brave #Song #FearlessSoul

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