1Mar23 China Fires Opening Shots in Lithium War; "Organoid Intelligence", Growing Human Brains as AI Hosts

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Why there's a stuffed coyote over my shoulder today… 2:06

Why libertarian think tanks and most politicians love toll roads and why I see them as one more area of multinational "stakeholder" governance 7:21

Colonel McGregor lays out the big picture — bigger than Ukraine/Russia 21:05

The World Economic Forum’s Global Redesign Initiative. 29:08

How Operation Gladio set the template for "Stop the Steal" with a common participant 32:23

The media’s new obsession: dismissing "15 minute cities" as harmless conveniences twisted by "conspiracy theorists". 46:49

From Paul Ryan to Tucker & Sean — what the Dominion lawsuit has shown us about FOX News. 58:14

Apple’s “Clean Energy Charging” feature is getting people upset for all the wrong reasons. They still don't see the nanny hectoring for what it is 1:14:03

Indulgences for the Green Religion: "Cap and Trade" in Washington State quickly adds 40 cents/gallon and that's just the beginning 1:18:52

Analysts push geo-engineering even as they warn about it's impact for food and the potential for war over who gets to set the thermostat 1:30:13

How the spy who inspired Ian Fleming's James Bond made the first crucial moves to grab and control oil resources and how the 20th century's wars for oil will pivot to the 21st century's war for lithium 1:34:33

Who has lithium and the ability to process it? How does China match up to USA in lithium? 1:38:19

China fires first shots in the lithium wars — the essential resource for the imposed technology 1:44:26

Cancel mob of trannies comes for composer and co-founder of virtual instrument I use to create music for this show. BTW, what are "virtual instruments", how are they used today and how have they evolved over the last 50 years? 1:49:58

ILLIBERAL EDUCATION — 40% of LIBERAL professors who agree with the mob are now afraid they’ll lose their jobs over a misunderstanding. 2:07:33

Generative AI is poised to be the free world’s next great gift to authoritarians. 2:22:31

The "Next Thing" in AI: OI (Organoid Intelligence), growing human brains to host AI 2:32:29

"Meat Grinder". Retired US Marine fighting in Ukraine says life expectancy of new Ukrainian recruits is 4 HOURS in the massive artillery assault happening now. And, drones and cyber attacks in Russia. But GOP leaders say Biden must be MORE aggressive. Who speaks for peace? 2:41:08

Judge (a Justice of the Peace) in Arizona is relentlessly persecuting rancher accused of killing a trafficker on his property. Even the detective investigating the case is amazed at the lack of evidence in the kangaroo court proceedings 2:51:30

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