Breaking Free & Being a Bondage Breaker

1 year ago

*We must choose not to be ignorant to the Enemy's schemes so we can rise up against them
*Jesus' ministry highlighted people being set free from demonic oppression and possession
*We have three major battlefronts: the flesh, the world, Satan, and his realm.
*Some of the main doors we open ourselves up to the Enemy to get a foothold and can be attacked in are: fear, hatred, sexual sin, the occult/witchcraft
*Jesus came to set the captives free and we have victory in the sacrifice of Jesus against any attack!
*We can start walking in freedom as we partner with God for truth and life and closing openings where demons can get a foothold
*There are many ways to confront spiritual attacks through prayers of renunciation, renewal, forgiveness, submission, humility, and freedom.
*Demons cannot get legal access to us unless we give them our expressed permission
*Getting healing and freedom is important and should go hand in hand with our development of an intimate relationship with Jesus

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