2 years ago

Navigating the Afterlife

Did the ancient Egyptian technology extend into mastery of the afterlife? In the Valley of the Kings, the tomb of Seti I and Tuthmosis III have been closed to the public for over a decade. Arcane funerary texts cover the walls of the tombs with a bewildering list of spell and secrets that all the deceased to navigate the afterlife. Dr Rick Strassman, author of "DMT: The spirit Molecule" discuss the biochemistry of the death experience and the role of the mysterious pineal gland. Our powerful interaction with DMT is shedding new light on the ancient understanding of the "third eye" or pineal gland as the seat of consciousness. Lon Milo DuQuette discusses the strange state of consciousness known as lucid dreaming and its unexpected relationship with the afterlife experience. Featuring Dr. Rick Strassman - "DMT The Spirit Molecule" Lon Milo DuQuette -"Angels, Demons & God of the New Millennium" #infinityconsciousness #collectiveconsciousness #consciousnessrising #5dconsciousness #cosmicconsciousness #unityconsciousness #consciousnessraising #memoriesofthealhambra #tohigherconsciousness #afterlife #consciousnessevolution #accesssconsciousnessenespañol #sacredconsciousness #afterlifecommunication #tagify_app #consciousnessrevolution #connectingconsciousness #consciousnesswork #consciousnessawakening #consciousnessexpansion #consciousnesses #enlightenedconsciousness #theafterlife #consciousnessminds #pureconsciousness #accesconsciousness #lifeafterlife #divineconsciousness #godconsciousness
#astraltraveler #astraltruth #astralbody #soulspurpose #soulsearch #soulmission #awakenedsoul #soulconnection #soulhealing #soulawakening #soulpurpose #soulsearching #souljourney #souls
#lifeafterdeath #thesource #thelawofattraction #astralrealms #manifestation #reality #truthexposed #hidden truth #starpeople #ancientknowledge #ancientcivilizations #ancientmysteries #ancientegypt

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