Circuit Training

2 years ago

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In this video I am going to take you through a six exercise bodyweight circuit, alternating between 3 upper body and 3 lower body exercises.

To start, we will begin with an easy lower body exercise and a very easy upper body exercise. Essentially, these two exercises will act as a warm up.

In the Y squat stance, push your hips back and squat down for a total of 15 repetitions. Since we are doing circuit interval training and not strength training we want to fatigue ourselves with these exercises. Follow that with the basic push up exercise for another 15 repetitions. If you can't do 15 full push ups, then you can always do kneeling push ups, just be sure to choose an exercise that isn't going to make you sore the next day.

The next exercise to perform is the lunge. To increase the difficulty of this exercise you can hold in the bottom position, and again, complete 12-15 repetitions for each leg.

Now, you will move on to a slightly more difficult variation of the basic push up, the decline push up for 15 repetitions. This exercise will be especially hard after completing 15 regular push ups.

Again, in these exercises you will be performing a higher number of repetitions because this training is more interval training than strength training.

There still remains one remaining lower body exercise to complete. I prefer to choose an exercise that uses a lot of movement, for example Jumping Jacks. So, for this bodyweight exercise I suggest 60 repetitions, and this will allow you to increase your sweat rate, as well as increasing your calories burned.

To finish off, we will train the abdominals by performing 12 15 repetitions of the mountain climber. Since much of the work is placed on the chest to hold the body in the mountain climber position, this exercise can be classified as yet another total body exercise.

So these are the six basic bodyweight exercises, using little-to-no equipment that can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is a 6 x 6 area and you can get in a great interval cardio workout that will help boost your metabolism and burn fat.

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