EXCLUSIVE INFO About Andrew Tate Jail Conditions | NEW EVIDENCE Regarding MAIN Accusers! #FreeTopG

2 years ago

The Tates are locked up until at least the end of March, likely longer. How are they living in there? At one point, Andrew and Tristan were in the same cell, or at least close enough to communicate in a way that would be reasonable enough to ask to get a Playstation to pass the time. A Hairdresser and restaurant quality steak was also ordered in, but that was put to rest and now the brothers have been separated for awhile and the conditions are dire.

Meanwhile, accusers like Emma Aida Gabbey and Aliona Untila are cruising the French Riviera, driving in Bentleys and lying on the Tate name. Girls like Beatrice and Jasmin are TOLD they are brainwashed by the court, but Emma and Aliona can be proven liars and roam freely. Well, someone needs to catalog their heinous behavior...

Andrew, Tristan, Georgiana and Luana are locked up for no reason. Lies and disregarding evidence is what the Romanian authorities are using to justify detention. Speaking out is the only way to make a change. Do your part.

Variety: https://variety.com/2023/tv/global/andrew-tate-vice-documentary-bbc-1235519119/#!
BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-64285930
Fresh and Fit EMERGENCY MEETING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auMxWeL2Nyk
Censored Men Video: https://twitter.com/CensoredMen/status/1626034323177472000
Gandul 1: https://www.gandul.ro/actualitate/exclusiv-marturia-lui-andrew-tate-despre-femeia-din-republica-moldova-care-il-acuza-de-viol-ce-facea-cand-a-cunoscut-o-la-londra-si-de-ce-i-a-cerut-sute-de-mii-de-euro-voia-sa-devina-cele-19914154
Antena3: https://www.antena3.ro/actualitate/tristan-tate-descindere-politie-vila-pipera-635764.html
Emma Gabbey Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emma.gabbey.7
EG Twitter: https://twitter.com/emma_gabbey/status/655979705695358976
EG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychicsense/
Trellis: https://trellis.law/case/12099/50-2019-dr-008273-xxxx-sb/gabbey-emma-aida-v-fisher-kenneth
G2: https://www.gandul.ro/actualitate/exclusiv-andrew-si-tristan-tate-au-cerut-playstation-si-hairstylist-in-arest-cum-au-reactionat-politistii-19933903

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#Tate #FreeTopG #TateAccusers #EmmaGabbey #PS5 #Playstation #Tristan #Andrew #TateBrothers #FreetheTates #Romania #DIICOT

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