The End of the Age is in Sight

2 years ago

With the rapture, the church is taken out and then that wicked one will be revealed, the tribulation will soon follow. A time of suffering man has never known. Those who refuse the mark of the beast and refuse to worship him will suffer persecution and death during that time. And then Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom. And the deception of satan that started in the Garden with Adam and Eve will find its end when Jesus comes again. And the promise of the Saviour, the seed of the woman finds its completion in the last Adam, the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ the Son of God. And today, we want to talk about how God has dwell with man.

North Red Bank Baptist Church, a Free Grace Church, "Holding forth the Word of Life" as Remnant Believers, seeking to reach all people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect [mature] in Christ Jesus: We look at current events in light of Biblical truth with a Prophetic perspective.

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