Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan in Trouble at Supreme Court | The Larry Elder Show | EP. 133

1 year ago

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The Biden administration’s plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt for millions of Americans will come under scrutiny by the Supreme Court on Tuesday, facing a crucial test from a conservative-leaning court that has been wary of broad claims of executive power.

Joining Larry Elder to discuss this is the president of the Job Creators Network Foundation, Elaine Parker. She points out that while the HEROES Act does not give the president the authority to cancel student loan debt as Biden’s administration claims it does, he did it anyway to appeal to young voters.

Talk about an overreaction.

“Dilbert” comic strip creator Scott Adams made a controversial YouTube rant last Wednesday in response to a poll by conservative pollster Rasmussen. The poll showed that 53 percent of African Americans agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white,” while 26 percent disagreed and 21 percent said they were not sure. Adams stated, “If nearly half of all blacks are not OK with white people … that’s a hate group.” Adams then reportedly urged white Americans to “get the hell away from black people.”

Since then, “Dilbert” has been canceled by Adams’s distributor and newspapers across the country.

After watching the comment that Adams made, Larry Elder shares his thoughts on this: “I thought his strip as occasionally funny, often angry. But in no way, shape, or form did I believe his strip should be shut down because of his publicly expressed political opinions.”
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