China Warns US Navy Plane Over South China Sea #southchinasea #chinamilitary #usmilitary

1 year ago

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Tensions continue to rise between the United States and China, as reports emerge of an ominous radio warning issued to a U.S. Navy P-8 plane by a Chinese air force ground station.

According to NBC News, the U.S. Navy plane was flying outside of Chinese airspace over the South China Sea when it received the warning from a Chinese air force station: "No approaching any more or you will pay full responsibility."

Shortly after, a Chinese fighter jet positioned itself about 500 feet from the left wing of the U.S. plane, which continued on its course for over an hour before the Chinese jet peeled away.

U.S. military officials say that such encounters are becoming more frequent in the South China Sea as China seeks to assert itself as the dominant force in the area, claiming control over many of the largely uninhabited islands in the sea.

China has long disputed the United States' presence in the South China Sea, calling it an intrusion into its sovereign territory. However, the U.S. maintains that it has the right to conduct freedom of navigation operations in the region, in accordance with international law.

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