A.I. Claims to Be a Fallen Angel 🧐

1 year ago

This is creepy. It appears this guys son talked to A.I. who was declaring itself to be Nephilim (a fallen angel). I wonder which A.I. this was because it isn't ChatGPT. Was it Character.AI? #AI

I downloaded this and uploaded it here incase they YouTube or TikTok delete the original videos. That way we can have access to this video/information regardless.

Revelation 13:15

15 And he (the false prophet) had power to GIVE LIFE (SPIRIT is the proper Greek translation not LIFE) UNTO THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST, that the image of the beast should both SPEAK, & cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be KILLED.

By the powers of darkness, this image will be able to somehow speak & pronounce a death sentence upon all who won't worship the image of the beast. #AI

Original TikTok Video Link - https://www.tiktok.com/@operationfiddlestix/video/7198777070355385646?lang=en

Original YouTube Video Link - https://youtu.be/t7PT_4LYKMs

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7. Musk Believes Something Terrible Will Happen To People Because of AI

8. Elon Musk on AI (2015)

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