One BIG Mother

2 years ago

127,238 views Sep 27, 2022
Today I Demo a Giant Grain Cart!!
Walkabout Mother Bin :
Hose wrap :
Thanks to Dave and the whole crew for making this happen!

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Cale Carlson grew up on his family century old farm in central Nebraska. He started farming on his own by renting ground from a neighbor in 1998. Cale Married Megan and they went on to have 5 Children. Cale incorporated his farm business LEAAD Farms (which is the acronym from their 5 kids). Cale has a passion for the farm and family as it takes a team to handle day to day operations of a diversified farm with Corn, Seed Corn, Soybeans, Hogs, and Cattle. Cale believes that everybody has a story to tell and encourages people to share their experiences.

Twitter : @LEAADFarms
Instagram : leaad

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