Gloomsbury by Sue Limb Series 4

2 years ago

Episode 1 00:00
Digging the Dirt

When Henry announces to Vera that he has invited Llewd George down to Sizzlinghurst to advise him on the best way to become a Labour MP, Vera flies off the handle. Can she get no privacy in her own garden? All she wants is to be left alone.

Not only does Llewd George live up to his reputation as a randy old goat (as Vera suspected), but Mrs Gosling takes affront at his politics and, after a row with Mr Gosling, goes on strike and storms off to live with her sister.

Episode 2 25:15
Your Very Very Humble Servant

Vera and Ginny are off to Sandwich to get Mrs Gosling back. Henry must crack on with his biography of the King - Ginny orders Lionel to stay and help him. Ginny wants to call en route on Lytton Scratchy and Dora Barrington who have rented a cottage nearby. Ginny admires Barrington's boyish and independent spirit (and haircut) and thinks she is the epitome of the Modern Woman. Back at Sizzlinghurst , Lionel, a republican, tries to persuade Henry to abandon the biography of the King, but Henry needs the money, finds Lionel's interference annoying, and sends him off to walk the dogs. The peace and quiet is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of the Prince of Wales with Mrs Simpleton. The Prince wonders how the book is going and Henry assures him he it's all wonderful and fascinating even though moments before, he was telling Lionel that the King is the most boring man ever born. Then, walking in the garden, Mrs Simpleton meets Lionel. Not knowing who she is, he launches into an anti-monarchist tirade about Henry's talents being wasted on this mediocre king. When he realizes who she is, he has a panic attack and feigns madness to escape. Meanwhile Ginny and Vera have moved on to Sandwich, disappointed by what they found at the cottage. For all their claims to a modern lifestyle, Scratchy and Barrington displayed a nauseating example of women's enslavement. Talking of which, Mrs Gosling is persuaded to come home, but her marriage to Mr Gosling is more fragile than ever now that she knows he has slept with her sister.

Episode 3 56:17
Honestly, Darling

Henry and Vera are staying the night at Ginny and Lionel's because they are doing a broadcast on the BBC about the need for honesty in a modern marriage. Henry hopes the role of marriage guru will help to repair Vera's reputation as a Sapphic seducer and might show Mr and Mrs Gosling the way to a happier future.

Episode 4 1:24:28
Bosom Chums

At Sizzlinghurst, Mrs Gosling is on the point of divorce - which is seriously affecting her cooking. Henry has had enough and is on the verge of firing the Goslings, so Vera embarks on a mission to get Mrs Gosling to forgive her husband and bring harmony back below-stairs.

Episode 5 1:52:36
The Celtic Cringe

At Sizzlinghurst, Mrs Gosling is on the point of divorce - which is seriously affecting her cooking. Henry has had enough and is on the verge of firing the Goslings, so Vera embarks on a mission to get Mrs Gosling to forgive her husband and bring harmony back bFeeling ostracised by Vera's relationship with Hilda Matthewson and slighted over the lack of thanks for her Aeolian Harp, Ginny decides it is time to end her relationship with Vera and sever the tie forever. But, just as she is leaving London to give Vera a piece of her mind, an unexpected visitor drops in. The poet WB Yikes and his wife Georgie arrive at the Foxes' house in Tavistock Square looking for a precious thing.

Episode 6 1:20:25
Venice the Menace

Ginny Fox and Vera Sackcloth-Vest go to Venice in search of inspiration for Ginny's new book - but unfortunately they are accompanied by their husbands, neither of whom is particularly enamoured of the place.

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