Volunteers of America First Responder ReST Program

2 years ago

Hosts and PTSI Resilience Trainers John Salerno and Samantha Horwitz talk with leaders from Volunteers of America about their new First Responder ReST program on A Badge of Honor Podcast.

What is ReST; Resilience Strength Time?
VOA|ReST 4 First Responders are free, peer-to-peer small group support sessions designed to help First Responders process feelings of moral discomfort and distress while reclaiming strength and commitment to their profession. Connect with up to 10 other First Responders who have walked in your shoes. Learn more at https://rest4firstresponders.com/

A Badge of Honor offers workshops to first responders across the nation, working with mental health liasons and critical incident management teams for Post Traumatic Stress Injury Recovery, wellness and resilience. A Badge of Honor says, "We Hear You," and wants you to know you are not alone.

A Badge of Honor Podcast is brought to you by:
Carry In Texas, https://www.carryintexas.com 469-232-7894
OBBM Network Podcasts, https://obbmnetwork.com 214-714-0495

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