Kotlin vs Java: Which one should you learn for Android App Development (2023)?

2 years ago

In this video I do a Kotlin vs. Java comparison and give my thoughts as to which one I think you should learn for Android Development.

Click here to be sent the PDF where I discuss as Kotlin vs Java and which one is better for Android Development: https://systeme.io/funnel/share/1504037b7dfc00d626ad64755b44f63668aafe5
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Time Stamps:

0:00 : Intro
0:31 : What is Kotlin?
1:06 : What are Lambda expressions and Higher Order Functions in Kotlin?
1:45 : What are Inline functions in Kotlin?
2:30 : What are Extension functions in Kotlin?
3:09 : What is Null-safety in Kotlin?
3:36 : What are Smart casts in Kotlin?
4:00 : What are String templates in Kotlin?
4:32 : What is a Primary constructor in Kotlin?
4:52 : What is First-class delegation in Kotlin?
5:32 : What is Type inference in Kotlin?
6:33 : What is a Singleton in Kotlin?
7:18 : What is Declaration-site variance in Kotlin?
7:44 : What are Type projections in Kotlin?
8:22 : What are Range expressions in Kotlin?
8:57 : What is Operator overloading in Kotlin?
9:32 : What are Companion objects in Kotlin?
10:17 : What are Data classes in Kotlin?
10:40 : What is a Coroutine in Kotlin?
11:15 : What are the Advantages of Kotlin?
12:15 : What are the Disadvantages of Kotlin?
13:18 : What is Java?
14:10 : What are Checked Exceptions in Java?
14:52 : Primitive types are not classes
15:02 : What are Static members in Java?
16:03 : What is a Wildcard-type in Java?
17:08 : What is the Ternary-operator or Conditional Operator in Java?
17:34 : What are the Advantages of Java?
18:37 : What are the Disadvantages of Java?
19:46 : Conclusion

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#kotlinandroid #kotlin #java

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