Whistleblower Report - 2.3.2023

1 year ago

Critical changes in military training are occurring that are actually contrary to their stated goals, and undermine the Judeo-Christian foundation on which America was founded, and the code of military ethics and Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is based. Army Captain, Chaplain Chad Booth describes what is happening in the military training that parallels the “woke” indoctrination widespread in our civilian culture, but with a uniquely military application that paints an ominous picture of what lies ahead ⏤ using spirituality to turn military service members into better weapons of war, rather than focusing on strengthening personal relationship with our Creator.

Corruption of the use of spiritual training parallels the corruption of medical ethics in hospitals, and the corruption of corporations now dictating experimental medical treatments like the COVID shots for people to continue their careers and employment. A clear example how this destructive and dangerous trend can lead to deadly consequences was exposed in the Project Veritas undercover videos released January 26 and 27 describing in chilling detail Pfizer’s research plans for “Directed Evolution” to create more lethal viruses and use that to preemptively develop “vaccines” to continue their windfall profits.

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