2 years ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎To " F O R G I V E " others..Is to "#FORGIVE" yourself...
Bottled up hatred and frustrations..will only tear you down..corrupt the
S P I R I T..and undermine the S O U L..
We are not created to harbor ill-willed #INTENTIONS and aggression against one another..
The flow of " P O S I T I V I T Y " can't and will not enter our #LIVES..
That cloud of negativity will always
P U R S U E and F O L L O W you everywhere you go..disrupting your " #CHI " spread love and understanding to thy neighbors in life..Until...YOU LET IT GO... #HATRED..#ANGER..#RESENTMENT..
Will rule your heart..and rent up space in your #THOUGHTPROCESS..
Driving you to have ill-advised intentions and actions of ignorance..Come to grips with yourself..
And let "#FORGIVENESS" take root in your heart..So that your seeds of
S A L V A T I O N will leave a promising mark and good examples on the populace's SPIRIT..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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