Super high antioxidant meal

2 years ago

Hydroxytyrosol is a powerful polyphenol which occurs naturally in the olive fruit, pulp, leaves and mill waste waters.1,2 Chemically, hydroxytyrosol is described as 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2-benzendiol, with an empirical formula C8H10O3.2 Hydroxytyrosol is a well-known minor component found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is derived from hydrolysis of the polyphenol oleuropein during olive maturation and olive oil storage.1,2 The compound plays an important role (amongst other minor components) in the complex and varied flavor of olives and olive oil.1 It is also a vital component which largely adds to the stability of olive oil.2 Hydroxytyrosol is hydrophilic, and absorbed in a dose-dependent manner in humans, with absorption occurring in the small intestine and colon.1 Uniquely, hydroxytyrosol is the only polyphenol which is able to cross the blood brain barrier, which allows it to have a significant action to scavenge free radicals in the nervous system.3

Health Benefits

Hydroxytyrosol has a potent antioxidant activity – it has one of the highest know ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) results known for a natural antioxidant. (ORAC is a method used to determine the antioxidant capacity of a food or chemical substance).2

Hydroxytrosol helps the vitamin c levels by an outstanding 400%.
Tomatoes are the richest dietary source of lycopene, providing about 80% of the lycopene in the typical diet. Cooked tomatoes, including canned and other processed products, are actually a better way to get lycopene than raw tomatoes, because heat breaks down the cell walls and releases the lycopene. Because lycopene is fat soluble, combining tomatoes with a little olive oil or other healthy fat makes it easier for your body to absorb.
Though botanically a fruit (technically, a berry), tomatoes are popularly considered a vegetable. Whatever you call them, tomatoes provide more than 10% of your daily value (DV) of vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, potassium and manganese in a single cup.

Artichoke is an important medicinal plant containing important ingredients such as chlorogenic acid which is a phenolic compound with high antioxidant activity that can be only obtained from natural plants and fruits. Kholorogenic acid is one of the main ingredients that give the antioxidant activity to the artichoke.

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