BATU: Airbag Massage Cushion-Let hip, waist, and neck dance

2 years ago

BATU Airbag Massage Cushion Let hip, waist, and neck dance by #BATULab — #Kickstarter.
#Smart_Airbag #Massage Seat Cushion lets your hip waist neck do #Aerobics.
You have to #order one of these before it's too late!
Shop NOW🛒👇
BATU cushion set up AI #automatic learning #technology, #according to the body pressure and contact surface, #automatic air #pressure, and #airflow matching, recommend suitable #airbag pressure,BATU uses 10 times per minute wave breathing airbag massage, letting your #buttocks and back rise and fall in a #balanced manner in the most comfortable way possible. The technology is #patented, #featuring convection inflation and #deflation settings.

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