Australian Journalists Beg for Harder Lockdowns

2 years ago

It's no longer 'fringe' to point out that the Lockdown Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.

The ongoing harms are only compounding as long-term impacts develop and retroactive data gathering shows the tremendous cost of lockdowns, despite the claimed advantages.

Why were the cost/benefit questions ignored? Could it be that political motives trumped science, empiricism and data?

The media are exceptionally guilty and responsible given the extreme pressure they placed on their viewership to be afraid, and on political leaders to 'do something' in the face of such scary scenarios.

Donald Trump was castigated for going against the grain on this and encouraging the public to resist the fear:

'Don't let it dominate you. Don't be afraid of it. You're going to beat it...don't let it take over your lives. Get out there, be careful...'

We continue to see the vestiges of the fear campaign in the people around us, clinging to unscientific measures.


Full interview with Voice for Victoria:

USB Time Capsule:

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