The Hiding Place: Chapter 3: KARL

1 year ago

The Hiding Place is Corrie Ten Boom’s true inspirational story about trusting the Lord in order to stand for righteousness. Corrie and her family lived in Holland during World War 2 when Hitler’s Nazi Germany invaded their country.
As the horrendous tyranny gripped their homeland in darkness, Corrie’s family decided to join an underground network to hide Jewish people from the Nazi Holocaust persecuting God’s Chosen People. As a result, they too became swept up in the machinery of evil. However, God revealed Himself as faithful in all they suffered for His name’s sake, through arrest, imprisonment, and even tragedy.
As we see the world turning against Israel, Christians today should remember the past genocide against God’s Chosen people, and stand against anti-Jewish hatred. When we stand with Israel and the Jewish people everywhere, we help God represent Yeshua / Jesus their Messiah, and become the salt and light to draw His People back to Himself and their promised Savior, Son of David.
Corrie’s story inspires us to stand for truth, and trust God to comfort us even in dire, dark circumstances, to strengthen us, and bring us through the valley of the shadow of death.
Just as Psalm 32:7 declares of our Lord God:
“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.”
God promises to turn all things to good for those who love Him, and who are called according to His purposes (Rom 6:28).

How can we learn from Corrie’s lessons today, and grow closer to the Lord each day so that the day of darkness does not overtake us as those who sleep?
Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:
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