Warning Do NOT Watch This Video Installing Flashing On My Tiny Home

10 years ago

Saturday I installed the aluminum flashing on the bottom of my tiny house frame. Well, I attempted to. This video comes with a warning. If you stress easily, take medications or are a contractor or carpenter, you should not watch this video.

This video will most likely have you shouting at your screen, screaming at me for how many ways I have done things wrong. I was having a bad day and you will see it. I left in all the gory details and horrible mistakes I made while trying to get the flashing on my tiny home.

It seems like a 50 foot roll of aluminum flashing is a living thing which reminds me of trying to dunk a cat in water. If anyone has ever had this experience then you will understand what I was going through on this day.

I left in the struggles so that people can see what NOT to do when attempting to try this at home alone. It is not easily done alone. This is potentially dangerous work as well with razor edges on the metal and it moving all over the place.

Eventually I did get a single row of metal on my floor joists. I was just standing there thinking I cannot do this alone when my friend from church drove up and asked if I needed help. Another miracle I think.

Together we finished the entire floor in a single hour. It took me 1.5 times that long to get one row on alone. I was so happy and thankful for the help that I was nearly dancing with joy but that would have not been kind to my friend. I cannot dance and would not put him through that.

It felt good to have it finished. Rain was threatening the whole time and I had to get my wood covered. I am leaving the floor upside down so that flashing will protect the wood from rain until we have a time of sunny days.

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