Off Grid Solar Low Voltage And Something Special Added

10 years ago

In the morning my power inverter shut down because the batteries got too low. This has never happened to me, even in winter before. The fridge is pulling too much power and we have had some very hot days recently.

My Haier refrigerator is not an efficient appliance. It leaks cold air through the door seals and through the sides. You can feel cold on the outside of the freezer and there is condensation on the door top. This is not good for solar power systems. It is not an energy efficient fridge by any means. But it is all I have left. The old fridge from the camper was not working correctly and was freezing my food. It was running on propane and the thermostat was stuck in the on position always.

I had to disconnect the fridge for a while to allow my batteries to top off a little bit before turning the inverter back on.

During the day I cleaned up outside around the tiny home construction site a bit. I even raked up all the leaves around and behind the old camper frame. It is looking good out here now.

There is still a bit of old camper laying around that needs to be stripped down but I will get it.

My neighbor is supposed to come pick up the garbage in the morning and take it to the dump.

Later in the afternoon it got way too hot and humid. It was near 90 degrees F and high humidity. I nearly got sick from the heat outside so I went in and powered up the air conditioner for a while.

I connected my off grid weather station which sits in the meadow to my old netbook. The old computer will act as a web server to bring live feeds from The Off Grid Project to the world.

I got the weather station working and got a feed to the internet on The Off Grid Project website. I am still working on templates and updating all the various web pages that will show the current live weather feeds from the off grid homestead.

I think this is really cool and hope you think the same. Now at any time of day or night 24/7 anyone in the world can check the status of the weather here. People can see if what I am saying is true.

The weather station will track trends and weather patterns so you can see the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly weather patterns out here. I think that is pretty cool.

The weather station software shows more details then the weather station itself can show. That is also cool.

I will let everyone know when the weather station is live for public viewing.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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Experiments and projects in off grid living, alternate energy, survival, hiking and more.

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