Trophy Bass On My New Banggood Fishing Rod And Reel Combo

10 years ago

Saturday night I went fishing in the private lake right here on the property. I took my new Banggood telescopic fishing rod and reel.

This fishing pole performs well under a heavy load. The fish bent the pole over and it was a serious fight.

I had to fight fish for about 7 minutes before it was finally worn out enough for me to land him. I had to get right down to the water to pull it out with my hands because it was so heavy. Too heavy for my fishing line.

It was after dark by the time my friend and I got to my RV. I turned on my 20 watt LED floodlight and recorded the fish.

Thank you again Banggood for such an awesome fishing rod and reel.

You can find the fishing gear I am using here:

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