Marge Simpson costume and make-up tutorial. This is Cal O'Ween!

1 year ago

Hello all, today we will be recreating one of the most Iconic cartoon personalities of all time, Marge Simpson from the longest running cartoon sitcom of all time The Simpsons..


Rainy Day Games
Easy Stroll - Track Tribe

What I Used...

Ben Nye cream make - up in yellow
Crayola Model magic in white (they didn't have any yellow at the time) They have this at any craft store or Wal Mart , I got mine at Michaels.
Ben Nye Spirit Gum adhesive
If you are going out, use Ben Nye Final seal .
Black pipe cleaner, I only needed one.
Hot Glue.

What I had to buy...

Crayola Model Magic $3 + change ( may vary depending on where you buy)
Panty hose - $7.00 + Shipping / amazon

I spent around $15 because I had everything else. Always look in your closets to see if there's anything you can use before you buy anything.

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