So Much Rain Plants Are Moldy And Fungrus Growing On The Ground

10 years ago

It rained again all day Tuesday. This makes 13 out of 15 days that we had rain here at my place. I got lucky though because the mountain seems to be protecting me from the damaging winds and hail this year.

The ground is full of algae, mushrooms, mold and fungus. The rain has been coming down so much that even my garden plants are moldy and rotting.

This has been the wettest I have ever seen out here in the 2.5 years I have been at this place.

The surrounding areas have seen tornadoes, downed trees, damaging hail and a lot more rain. This year the same mountain that seemed to trap the rain into my area is protecting me from the worst of the storms.

The tiny house project is on hold and waiting for better weather.

In the morning I uncovered the floor framing of the tiny house on wheels and it started to rain again so I covered it right back up again.

I worked on the computer inside all day.

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