SONS OF THE FOREST - First 30 Minutes Reaction Gameplay (ft. Covid Voice)

2 years ago

#sonsoftheforest #reaction #gaming
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Unfortunately, timing was terrible in me getting the coof on launch day. If you're wondering why I sound dead.

Today is the day! SONS OF THE FOREST is here!! Steam absolutely fell apart when this beauty hit the open market. But I finally got into the queue to buy after about a hour or so.

Here is the first 30 minutes of my gameplay on a brand new game (duh) straight out of the box. SOTF looks beautiful! Graphics are on point! Feels a little rough around the edges here and there and the building was tricky to get used to, but easy enough.

Could not see anything at night and the neon purple plasma lighter sucks compared to the CIL. Enemies showed up after sleeping and whooped my ass.

Cant wait to dive head first into this beast! Follow along - there will be plenty more to come!

Thanks for watching and until next time,
Sharp Out!


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