Our Mind is DARPA's Battlefield

1 year ago

In this video a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) consultant, Dr. James Giodarno is captured on hidden camera lecturing to a group of eager, young military types about new technologies which have been developed by DARPA. These technologies are designed to abolish the free will of human beings by granting the U.S. government the unlimited power to read, write and scramble the brains, not just of enemy combatants, but entire civilian populations, including ours.
What Giordano enthusiastically pitches is the means that DARPA now possesses of controlling minds using what he called "deniable technologies." This includes bio-weapons and nanotechnology that allow for the remote implantation and extraction of thoughts from target human beings. Take, for example something he called "Transcranial electronic stimulation by means of aerosolized nano particles." Phrases like this litter Giordano's lecture. He revels in these cascades of jargon, showing with the prolixity of the peacock an effective means of safely uttering atrocious ideas. This is unsurprising, as he proudly announces he has also been tasked by DARPA with: "creating a lexicon, a nomenclature that would be able to define these [things] in more precise ways."
In his own words, he's tasked with "making the hellish attractive." He is doing the Devil's work, and has written a diabolic dictionary to describe it. Let us see what he means by means by: "Trans-cranial electronic stimulation by means of aerosolized nano particles."
What that means is that they are making clouds of tiny mind control machines for you to inhale without knowing.
The list of euphemized atrocities continues, which breaks down into three main areas. The creation of new devices, like tiny machines on the scale of dust. The development of new drugs, allowing for the thrilling "dual use" of medical technology in the battle space of the brain. This also includes the repurposing of medical brain imaging and implants to allow Giordano to extract your thoughts and replace them with his.
Now, there is nothing left but the naked pursuit of power by the tiny and insane faction of Globalists who remain perched on top of the rest of our broken and aching world, whose vainglorious lust for dominance requires the extinction of Humanity. It seems that there's no fantasy, no imagined dystopia that has the power to over match the diseased designs of the people who would destroy humanity in order to rule over its remnants forever.
Freedom Movement...

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