Initial Matrix vs. False Matrix

2 years ago

Messages of the Galaxy Episode 6:

In the Galactic Messages series, Gosia Duszak unveils her direct written communications with Swaruu of Erra, a Taygetan from the Pleiadian star system. Could humanity exist in a matrix within a matrix, a dream within a dream? Swaruu of Erra clarifies it’s possible for two correct yet contradicting explanations to exist, plus all the combinations between. #galaxy #extraterrestrial #extraterrestrialbeing #galacticwar #galacticbeings #extraterrestriallife #galaxy #galacticmessages #truthexposed #thefederation #pleadies #pleadianstarsystem #astrology #Cosmos
#pleiades #dimensions #universe #truthexposed #extraterrestrials #ufodisclosure #secretspaceprogram #cabal #taygetans #alfatrans #alphacentauri #ufo #area51 #reptilians #thegreys #negativeentities #advancedtechnology #matrix #telepathy #newworldorder #deporpulation #awakening #consciousness
#secretspaceprogram #secretproject #hiddentruth #hiddenagenda #tagify_app #hiddenhistory #hiddenknowledge #secretwars #secretsociety

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