February Brainstorm with Blackrock's Ed Dowd

2 years ago

February Brainstorm with Blackrock's Ed Dowd et al. :How Will Health Authorities Ever Recover Lost Trust When They Won’t Even Admit the Vaccine’s Tragic EXCESS DEATHS

National Health Federation’s MONTHLY HEALTH-FREEDOM BRAINSTORM ~ with ~ Edward Dowd, Neil Z. Miller, & Michael LeVesque

How Will Health Authorities Ever Recover Lost Trust When They Won’t Even Admit the Vaccine’s Tragic EXCESS DEATHS?

with Guests:

● Ed Dowd, the former BlackRock equity portfolio manager whose team pulled insurance reports and government data to finger the vaccine for Excess Deaths that never occurred from COVID-19 itself.
● Neil Miller, research journalist, who discovered corruption in death medical coding – suppressing mortality risk with the Childhood Vaccine Schedule.
● Michael LeVesque, owner of RayGuardProtect, and Board member of NHF – who will intro NHF’s new campaign to restore health trust – via national health law devolution and the Medical Freedom Amendment

Co Hosted by NHF President Scott Tips, lobbyist Charles Frohman & Media manager Terri Harrah

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