#ArrestKatieHobbs, FDA and Big Pharma, J6, MSM Propaganda - OAN - Reality Check! - Monica Rodriguez

2 years ago

On Today's REALITY CHECK! We take a look at the blatant connections between "The Establishment" and "BIG" Industries. Perhaps the real question is, who is NOT compromised? Also, what is the solution to bring back a government for "We The People"... and can it be implemented? Plus Democrats whine about what could be discovered in the new J6 footage... Plus the growing global resistance to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Remember, when enough of our brothers and sisters wake up from the trance of the little black box and look beyond the mainstream, that will be the day "We The People" take back our power.

What would you like to see on the next REALITY CHECK?!

Follow Monica Rodriguez @monicardrgzTV

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