Dr Sasha Latypova NSA and Katherine Watt MSC Reporting on Pfizer Under DOD Control

2 years ago

Dr. Sasha Latypova expert on the roll out of the bioweapon injections and a former pharmasutical professional, with serious proof of the Department of Defense being in control of the deadly shots meant to kill off the population. How Fear is being used to control the human population. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and a writer-researcher. All the govenments of the world have been captured in a world wide depopulation control agenda- Not lawful, Not Constitutional but they'd made it illegally Lawful on paper. Clinical trials were never ordered, FDA leadership impersonated the regulators. Pfizer filed a motion to stop a lawsuit saying they did not defraud the government stating " We delivered the fraud the government ordered" Also a clip of Dr. Bhakdi reporting on the Thailand Princess in a coma and his opportunity to educate the King and Royal family of Thailand. Wyoming State Legistature introduced a bill that would block the juridiction of the recommendations of the CDC and WHO. But remember what Attorney Profession Francis Boyle reported that the W.H.O Treaty may supercede Federal, State and Local laws. Looks like we just may really have to have a Revolution with states defending Rights and Liberties, As the. Constitution calls for. Time for American Militias just like our Founding Fathers created.

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