Stay Current With Technology - Continue Learning

1 year ago

Always keeping an eye out for new groundbreaking plugins — not to buy them but to try them just to understand them. Levelers, multiband compressors, de-essers, saturation, etc.

What is Dolby Atmos? Regarding podcasts you can think of Dolby Atmos as 3-D audio or surround sound. From Dolby’s website: “Dolby Atmos has reinvented how entertainment is created and experienced, allowing creatives everywhere to place each sound exactly where they want it to go, for a more realistic and immersive audio experience. Whether you’re gaming, watching your favorite movie or show, or listening to that new track on repeat, Dolby Atmos transports you into a spatial sound experience that draws you in deeper, so you hear more and feel more.”

As someone who works with sound, one of the most fruitful lifelong habits you can develop is to continue learning throughout your life. It will keep you sharp. It will keep you up to date on new gear and software, etc. It will keep refining your ear.

When can you focus on learning? Every time you’re working with audio try something new or look into parameters you had not used yet. Set aside 1-2 hours every week/month to download new plugins and play with them, or download trial software and mess around with it. Attend conferences where you can talk with other professionals to learn and absorb a lot.

Most importantly, follow your intuition with regards to what you’ll focus on learning next. It will not always be something directly and immediately applicable to your current work; it may be in a genre of audio production which you know nothing about, but learning about different aspects of audio production will widen your knowledge and increase your expertise and value. For example, I’ve been researching Dolby Atmos a bit. And over the years I’ve dabbled in so many different areas of audio production.

Sometimes the best place to start is by asking yourself, “In what area are my skills and knowledge the weakest?”


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