Tapping Maple Trees & Burning Off Excess Solar Power

9 years ago

I am tapping more maple trees this year. I hope to produce enough maple syrup for sale. And the sun was shining brightly so I did an experiment to burn off some excess energy and see what my potential was.

I spent half the day tapping more trees until I rain out of tubing. I then ordered 500 feet of tubing which will be delivered in a few days. The maple sap is flowing nicely now and I want to gather as much as possible this year.

I went inside the off grid tiny house on wheels to find that the sun was shining brightly and the solar battery bank was only taking on about 100 watts of power. The solar charge controller was on absorption mode, which limits the power going to the batteries.

So I did some printing in my tiny house loft office and checked the power coming in as the laser printer was running. I was bringing in about 500 watts of power at that time.

When I shut off the power in my tiny house the solar charge controller reduced the power back down to 100 watts.

So I had an idea. I have an induction cooker someone sent me as a gift last year. I use it during summer generally when I have more power to spare. But I wanted to experiment and try this out today with the sun shining so brightly.

I used it to heat up some vinegar to clean out a cast iron frying pan. It heated up almost immediately. The solar charge controller was pulling about 500 watts of solar power from the solar panels. The batteries were being drawn down and the pure sine wave inverter was screaming and showing nearly full load.

I tossed the vinegar and replaced that with water and recorded live as the water heated up almost immediately. The induction cooker is very efficient and fast when using cast iron cookware.

This is totally free energy cooking. The solar power was there for the taking and all the excess was not being used anyway.

It was a fun test and told me that at least my wiring was not at fault for my lower solar power production. It is the battery bank I am using right now. I have about 300 Amp hours of old, recycled batteries.

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