Working With Solar Forklift Batteries & A New Tower

10 years ago

The day after I installed the new forklift battery into my tiny house solar power system I spent most of my day watching the solar panel output and power going into my new solar battery bank.

This is like off grid TV. When you live fully off the grid and on solar power you will spend a lot of time studying the power output of your solar panels and analyzing the power usage of the equipment inside your home.

It was a nice sunny day for solar so I kept my eye on the MPPT solar charge controller and kept watching how much current was going into my new solar forklift battery bank.

This actually occupied most of my day.

Later in the day my friend Neil came over with some surprise gifts for the off grid solar homestead.

He did not know that Saturday was my birthday but he came bringing gifts.

Neil brought me a nice HAM radio tower that I can use to mount my wind turbines nicely up in the air.

This tower is just over 30 feet high and you can put an extension pole on the top of it.

There is also a lift mechanism which will allow me to mount my wind turbines to the lift and use a pulley and rope to raise and lower the lift so I can service the wind turbines as needed. This is quite cool.

Thank you Neil for the awesome addition to the off grid homestead.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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