Conversations with Sorinne - Special Episode Update

1 year ago

Today's episode of Conversations with Sorinne is a special update that is now live and ready for your review!

This latest episode is about being candid with myself and others, including you... as I adapt as intelligently as I can with the flow of Life. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed in recent weeks, which led to me meditating, reflecting, writing, and reprioritizing more than usual as of late.

The most important aspect of Life that I always do my best to emphasize is Love, starting with Self-Love. Right now, I'm sensing that I would benefit a lot more in the short and long terms by putting my well-being first and foremost so that I can be of greater service to Life, including you.

Adding more balls to juggle, always requires some trial and some adapation to figure out the right balance. Some of the practices that nourish me most include coloring, writing, restorative yoga, hiking, reading, studying, and napping. I'm making more time to fit those into my daily schedule more consistently for the time being.

In this episode, I share a bit about where I'm currently at in my level of self-mastery, in an effort to be candid and to inspire you to check in with yourself as well.

Since starting this podcast I've (re)learned:
I enjoy connecting with and supporting friends in this manner immensely
I can achieve anything, as long as I work at it in an intelligent and balanced manner
to be gentle with myself and have the courage to be honest with others
it's important to attend to responsibilities that aren't as enjoyable or immediately rewarding
to take my time and pace myself because this isn't a marathon, this is indefinite
.. and much more, including that the image I created for this podcast applies to all aspects of it, including myself. That means it's ok for me to free flow from a place of authenticity if it empowers me, because I'm a volunteer too.

It has been an immense honor creating for you. I am grateful for your support and evolution. I look forward to sharing so much more with you for a very long time. 💜

Love, Logic, and Liberty,
Sorinne - Healer in Chief

Ps. I've been posting clips on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Tumblr every day since the launch of this podcast. You can also find clips and full episodes on Youtube, Rumble, and Soundcloud. Just search for Conversations with Sorinne on your preferred platform to tune in any time.

Learn more about this Conversation and others at

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